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There where news articles in the Spanish press last week highlighting the abundant waste of finances this council has spent on Jeff Wisniewski and his 5 assistants, also questioning the costs involved in opening new office premises on La Marina urbanisation when the municipal Ayuntamiento office for the urbanisations is right next door!
Evidently this matter is now being looked at by the court in Elche and if the judge agrees with the opposition councillors Mayor Carlos and his team of governing councillors, and Jeff's five assistants, may have to repay to the Town Hall coffers the salaries they have received since last years elections. However, Jeff will not be bound by any court decision because he made a 'special arrangement' with the Mayor regarding the way he is paid!

La Marina


I will be the first to hold my hands up and say, I got it slightly wrong. Yes it was good for the council to do a Christmas celebrations for the Urb. The most disgusting thing is why there are people / families struggling to pay bills put food on the table for there kids, he is picking up hundreds of euros for meeting that take place at the town hall, For instance he attended 6 meetings that lasted no longer than a hour between november and december and recieved €3900 euros. If this is true then in my opinion that's a disgrace. I was actually having a chat with two people who voted for him last year, there pretty disgusted with that amount he got (if it's true). I totally understand its a hard job, constant pressure constant people in your face all the time. That still does not entitle you to €3900 euros for attending meetings that last half hour.
I'm going by the la marina info website. I would say maybe I shouldn't believe what's on that site but it was first reported that the rock concert was costing around €20,000 euros then Jeff counter claimed ithat amount. Couple days later Jeff statement had changed to the amount that was posted on this website first.
(my opinion)

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-07-01 19:57:56 UTC

One can only presume that those who keep on complaining about Jeff’s office must all be fluent in Spanish. It was not that long ago when everyone had to go to San Fulgencio Town Hall, and just hoped that the little Spanish you possessed would get you through with any problems that you had. Then up comes the New Town Hall here on the Urbanisation. They try hard but once again unless you speak Spanish fluently you can come greatly unstuck and go away none the wiser. It is not their fault but ours.
So Jeff’s office for us Brits is a treasure and a life line, so would the supporters of the other Political Parties PLEASE have a little common sense and wake up to the fact that this service is much appreciated by a lot of us Brits up here on La Marina. On several occasions now Jeff has been extremely helpful and spent quite a long time helping us sort out various problems that we had. If it hadn’t been for Jeff and his staff, we would have not known where to turn and would have been in s**t street. By the way I didn´t vote for him, but he has the team that can help us all out, so please be grateful and stop running him down so much and let him and his team do the job he is paid for!!

Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-07-02 09:10:19 UTC

So does that justify being paid €3900 in a month. I don't think so Ian. British people have been coming to Spain long before there was any british councillors. For instance I moved over in 1998 no British councillors then, everyone got on with it.
If a judge in Elche is even thinking of taking a look at this then there is something wrong.
You can say it as you see it, I was a fan of the new council, slowly but surely things are just going back to how it use to be.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-07-02 09:25:50 UTC

Andi Just because you managed to scrape through all those years ago is not a good reason to wish the same on others. We, the foreigners, are the outsiders, and often need a little help. We do not need to take backward steps. In the bigger picture of things Andi, cost really doesn´t come in to this. We are very lucky to have the ability to get help and advice from English speaking Council staff here on La Marina urb. There are very few other places in Spain that offer this service. Do keep in mind that most people living here are of the older generation, and learning fluent Spanish is more difficult as you get older.

Commented Daisy in La Marina 2012-07-02 09:47:39 UTC


Yeah it has done a world of good having a British councillor and having regular contact with him is brill. It has been a great help, and not one person can change the world but his posistion he will come under so much pressure and scrutiny. I just don't agree with the big amount of sums handed out in wages for a council that is ment to be broke.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-07-02 09:56:51 UTC

I stand on the fence when it comes to Spanish Politics,Some things this Council have done,I felt were advantageous to the people of La Marina,and some dont appear to help us.

But the big plus,is you can speak to a member of the Council regarding almost anything,which was almost impossible in the past.
I believe that the money Jeff received in the months Andi mentioned,was for attending Deputy Mayord meetings, I do not profess to know what they talk about or what they achieve,I do know that the money is not paid out of Suma money,and I gather the other Deputy Mayors are also paid.
The offices used by the Council and the town hall
Are surely used well as the satelite Town Hall always seems to have all rooms in use,and the council office is gradually being used by other organisations which are helpful to the people of La Marina.
As for Elche Court getting involved,that means that with luck we will hear what it is all about in a few years time. I am confused as to why Elche is involved,Dont we have a Court in Alicante.
Regarding the rock concert,Jeff gave an answer as to why he was wrong with his original estimate on the cost of the concert,I dont know if he is telling the truth,but until someone can prove that he isnt,I will give him the decency of believing him.
As for the La Marina Info site,just read some of its comments past and present and it doesnt take much to realise that it is not a forum,but a diatribe of rubbish,intermingled every so often with truth,obviously used by person or people biased againstv this current Council.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-07-02 10:06:35 UTC

That's all correct what you have stated Alan. Got no answer to it.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-07-02 10:10:16 UTC

Alan, do I remember that not too long ago you posted on this forum that councillor Jeff had lied to you?
Regarding the web site; this site has been providing interesting and very good factual information to local residents and tourists for 10 years or more, and, despite your judgment of the site, it is popular. In a Google search for La Marina urbanisation it is there at the top of the list. If you compare this with Councillor Jeff’s PIPN web site ( ) you will see that his site has not been updated for more than a year!
Yes, Jeff has his Blog, but it seems the only occasions that he updates his Blog is to answers postings made on this forum! He might as well let his Blog go the same way as his web site and post his answers directly on the forum!

Commented Don in La Marina 2012-07-02 11:46:52 UTC

Yes Don,I did say that Jeff lied to me,That is a fact.
I also said that in future anything I ask him would be through this or other Forum,That way he can answer,and if he lies it will be in print.
My belief,is that if I allowed anyone to lie to me once and then deny saying that lie, it is shame on them,if I give them the opportunity to lie to me twice and then deny saying that lie, shame on me for giving them the opportunity.
Yes some of the information given on La Marina Info is helpful information,But look at the Council news section,then go back a couple of years and read each comment,then see if you notice a change in stance,of the Council being the best thing on toast,to all of a sudden being the worst Council ever,and the change in stance,just happens to co -inside with a change in Council power.
As for getting the most hits,If I wanted to i could achieve that myself with some websites,it doesnt take a brain of Britain to achieve that,Just hours on a computer clicking on to the same web-site constantly.
Lastly at least I can get an answer from Jeff in print,could I do the same with La Marina Info,If so they have changed their way of operating.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-07-02 12:06:33 UTC

Remember, 2 sides to every story...and I am taking none.

As for salary, I guess it all depends what you earn yourself, if less than Jeff, then he will seem overpaid, if more than Jeff then maybe he is underpaid.

Commented Golfer in La Marina 2012-07-02 13:47:29 UTC