Well the weather is getting colder now and you maybe looking for some new winter clothes. RINCON CRISIS is a "Crisis Prices" Clothes shop. New & selected S/H clothes for all sizes. You can kit yourself out for less than a Fiver. Jackets, Jumpers, Tops, T-Shirts, Underwear, Skirts, Trousers, Jeans, Belts, Shoes, Bags & more, for Men, Women & Children All from 1€! Specal Occasions & Parties Catered for. Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, Kelly is there for you.

RINCON CRISIS (Crisis Corner) is positioned directly BEHIND the Tanatorio which is on the Park of Nations, TORREVIEJA. It's in the same street as Cartridge World, on the first corner. She is open from 10.30am til 8.00pm Weekdays & 9.30am til 2.00pm Saturdays. No Siesta.

Any enquiries please phone Kelly on 664 535 675 & if you get lost phone Charlie on 6777 067 28. Happy Shopping!
