To all the readers on Spanish life IMPACT CHARITY are seeking help for the EMAUS children's care home in elche. As of yesterday this children's homes tumble dryer broke. This tumble dryer has been checked by a maintenance worker and it can't be repaired. We are pleading to local business members of the public for donations to help purchase a new one or a second hand industrial tumble dryer. To get this appeal rolling IMPACT CHARITY are putting 600 euros towards this straight away. We have been told a industrial tumble dryer may cost between 1.000 - 1.200 euros.
There are 28 children at this home the youngest being 6 years old. There bedding needs washing, clothes need washing some of these children have no more than 3 changes of clothes a week. If you can spare 1 euro or more please pop it into the IMPACT CHARITY shop on la marina urb, follow the signs for Barclays properties .
A lot of people on the urb will know of Annette and Dave who have made it there day to day life to help EMAUS not just the home in elche but the many homes EMAUS have. Annette has asked us to help out which we will do to our best abilities.
As I've stated IMPACT CHARITY will put 600 euros into this appeal as of today.
Carol and Ian at la marina admin please could you repost this on the other areas of Spanish life if possible please.
The shops number is 966 184 324. Thank you.

A quick update on the food for needy. The council picked up the first full basket of food plus 50 euros worth of food IMPACT CHARITY contributed towards this on going appeal. We have another full basket now thanks to the public donating this food. So thank you.
