Yrai Restaurant adjoining Meroil Service Station

Hola a todos!
Tonight we have a Spanish singer "Antonio" who has performed in Benidorm many times. His repertoire is a mix of English, Spanish and even Italian songs. The performance will start around 9.30pm this evening, everybody welcome, hope to see you there!
I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who attended our first "Catral, Custom and Classics" car show last Saturday evening. The night was an amazing success and we hope the next and future events, which will be on the first Saturday of each month, will be as successful. Our next car show will be on Saturday 6th August, please look out for more information, entertainment to be confirmed.
Also, Friday night is our "Latino Summer Disco" with Maxine, Karaoke (on request only).
Saturday from 9pm onwards BBQ plus.........
9th July - Mike Peters
16th July - Patti Ross
23rd July - Nilo
30th July - Dan the Man

Hope to see you soon!
From all at the Garage x
Tel: 636 876 668

Google Maps: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Meroil+%26+Nonduermas,+Catral,+Spain&aq=4&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=10.729059,39.331055&ie=UTF8&hq=Meroil+%26+Nonduermas,&hnear=Catral,+Province+of+Alicante,+Valencia,+Spain&z=14
Directions from Quesada: Follow signs for the AP7 direction Alicante/Elche, take Exit 733 Catral/ Callosa de Segura, take the Callosa de Segura exit on the roundabouts, 2min from exit.
