La Marina Golf Course

The first time I heard mention of the proposed La Marina Golf Course was about 16 years ago. If I remember correctly there was a certain Barry Jump trying to promote the idea. Then it went quiet with the odd report here and there but without any action. There must be some interesting stories of what happened and why. How about a few of you knowledgeable ones spilling the beans.

La Marina

When we bought our first house it was on the basis that the proposed golf club would be built imminently (that was 23 years ago) and the value of the house would increase considerably. Today we still have the house but still no golf club!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-22 11:03:18 UTC

When we bought our first house in La Marina, on Extramadura, we were told the same story. The only money we made was by extending it. The Estate Agents in La Marina (no names mentioned) have used that to sell properties down there for years. I wonder if any of us will be here when the Golf course does come to La Marina - I doubt it.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-22 18:00:36 UTC

You are an optimistic lady!
Do you believe that one day we will have a golf course?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-22 18:55:14 UTC

I heard people are still being told there will be a golf course when viewing villas.

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-22 19:18:18 UTC

Yes we were told that we we first came here to buy in November 2002!!!!

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-23 07:38:37 UTC

I Wonder if any one actually knows if back in the distant past was there at one time some kind of Planning Permission granted for a La Marina Golf Course?
Although this was way before your time Mark perhaps you can fill in with any information.
Or was it all pure Pie in the Sky?

Commented Dreamer in La Marina 2011-07-24 15:30:25 UTC

I can remember about 5/6 years ago there was a lot of excitement on the estate because there was a stretch limo down in the proposed La Marina Golf Course area. The stretch limos occupants were all Japanese and were carrying out some kind of survey. That was the last I heard on this old La Marina Golf Course subject. I suspect that the truth will never be known as to all or any of the ins and outs.

Commented Douglas in La Marina 2011-07-26 11:22:46 UTC